Wednesday 10 October 2007

The Other Side of Tagus

Hi Everyone!

I think that Sofias's description about Lisbon is wonderful. However, I think that is as important you to know our city: Almada!
Almada is as ancient as Lisbon (or even more). Recent archaeological studies revealed that there were people in our city 5 000 years ago (in the Neolithic, too). Archaeologists and Historians believe that the city was established by a ancient Mediterranean civilization “Fenícia” (I don’t know and I cannot find how to say it in English). Since that, Almada has always been a important city in the context of Iberian Peninsula.
Our city’s name was given by the Arabian People. For them, it was called “Al-Madan” (which means “the mine”) because of a gold mine that existed here. At this time, there was a fortress which was the most important fortress in the south of the country.
Almada was taken form the Arabians by D. Afonso Henriques (our first king) at 1147, since that moment, Almada kept a Portuguese city until now!
Today, Almada and Lisbon are more less like Buda and Pest, they are like sisters separated by a river, our river: Tagus!

Tiago Ramalho

P.S.: I'm sorry about any mistakes, try to understand what I wrote xD

1 comment:

Sue Feher said...

Is this huge statue in Almada? It's beautiful!!!!